Thursday, August 16, 2012

AMTV News: Russian Incursions Into Strategic US Territory & Reddit Island's Bold Plan

Topher Morrison

Welcome to AMTV News, I’m your host Topher Morrison.  Today is Wednesday August 15th, 2012.

First up…
Russian Military Tests US Defenses, Again

A Russian nuclear-powered attack sub, likely Akula class, operated undetected for weeks in the Gulf of Mexico.  This secret incursion took place at the same time Russian strategic bombers conducted a massive exercise in the arctic, which made incursions into restricted US airspace near Alaska and California in June and July.  It was a move made by the Russians not seen since before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.  So – in light of recent events – here’s a flashback… Just who fired, what appeared to many, including experts a missile of the coast of California in November of 2010?

European Citizenship: Death of Nations?

It’s described as something similar to what we have in the United States, a love of country, but an affinity for our state.   In Europe freedom of travel has been energized with integration, electoral reforms allow foreigners to vote were they live and work.  And a European identity is being forged, which binds under its own national anthem the peoples of Europe.  What also bind Germans, for example to Greeks, are dictates from Brussles and of course soaring debt.

Reddit Island: Birth of Nations?

It’s been dubbed ‘Nerd Island’ as Gawker editor Adrian Chen goes about slaying the ‘completely batshit insane’ plans of Libertarian tech mogul Peter Thiel and members of the social news site Reddit, known for its anti-SOPA activism.  While the rest of the planet attempts to govern under one roof, Thiel as far as Chen is concerned, has ‘wasted’ part of his billion dollar fortune in the attempt to create floating city states aimed at, according to the Seasteading Institute: ‘peacefully testing new ideas for government.” Chen is more than skeptical and sees it as a veiled attempt at ‘keeping the party alive after [rich people] finish utterly pillaging all land-based civilization.’  The Reddit sub community Reddit Island similarly aims at creating, according to Chen albeit in a less caustic vein, ‘a self-sustaining libertarian technopia where download speeds are high and taxes are low.’  It’s no doubt zany, but the idea isn’t as new as it seems.  A group of highly educated professionals seeking a new life far from anachronistic models and willing to risk their fortune and reputations to accomplish it is hardly novel.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Start your Engines…
‘Black Box’ Standards for Your Car

For Americans the automobile is sacred.  It is the epitome of freedom and often seen as an extension of one’s personality.  Come September our cars may soon be viewed as an extension of the federal government.  The National Highway Traffic Saftey Administration has green-lighted new standards for event data recorders, similar to those found in airplanes.  EDRs are currently voluntary, however, recent legislation and intimate knowledge of the bureaucracy suggest the NHTSA is merely setting the stage to federally mandate a black box in every car in America.

Artificial Retina to Restore Normal Vision

Researchers have cracked the code to mouse and monkey retinas allowing them with a novel prosthetic device to bring sight to the blind – animals that is. Currently blind humans are offered some comfort with barely navigable implants, but this breakthrough promises to restore ‘normal vision.’  The proposed visor takes in light and an advanced chip translates the information into a code the brain uses to formulate an image.  This new revolution provides hope to some 25 million people worldwide.  

George Soros & Co. Flock to Gold

In September of 2010 billionaire fancier and social engineer George Soros said Gold is “the ultimate asset bubble” and “is certainly not safe” – this was after all when QE2 was but in its infancy. Gold, then at $1225 per ounce, has since seen a nominal high of $1920.30 in September 2011 and after a months long correction looks to be moving north once again.  Eating his words Soros has more than doubled his stake in the SPDR gold trust ETF according his latest SEC filing.  And Famed John Paulson’s hedge fund, managing over $21 billion, has more than 44% of its assets allocated to gold. Big money is on this precious metal especially in lieu of officially beginning QE3.

College is Dead: Peter Thiel’s Plan

The show is called “20 Under 20” and aired for the first time on Monday…

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