Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MSNBC RON PAUL GAFF: Ron Paul in MSNBC Graphic Represented as Rand Paul

In an interview with Tim Pawlenty yesterday, MSNBC "fudged" a polling graphic halfway through the spot illustrating Tim Pawlenty's low poll numbers thus far.  Ron Paul is shown with 6%, 3 percentage points above Pawlenty, except, MSNBC used Rand Paul's (Ron Paul's son's) picture!  

In the same vein FOX News "mistakenly" misrepresented last month what was a jubilant reaction by the audience at the 2012 CPAC straw poll result by playing a year old video clip embedded in a portion of the crowd ostensibly supporting Mitt Romney.  The clip featured his supporters booing and jeering amidst a larger crowd in thunderous applause.  In a subsequent follow up interview on Fox NEWS with Rep. Ron Paul FOX mislead the American public and even Ron Paul himself (whom wasn't present at the announcement of the results) in believing his victory was rebuked by those in attendance to one of America's most conservative gatherings.  

Yesterday, MSNBC subtly sabotaged the Paul's by not lending them the respect of corresponding face with name!  With all of the press Ron and Rand Paul have received over the last two years is MSNBC expecting us to believe those who created this graphic don't know the difference between father and son?  See below...

MSNBC, negligence or deliberate disrespect?  You be the judge. 

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