Topher Morrison
In the chart below you'll notice a frightening and endemic issue of which I though had already been covered in the media ad nauseam, I mean Oprah made a career out of it right? However, if this graphic has anything to say, the American public evidently have not had their fill of cautionary tales. I mean God man, even our animals are becoming alarmingly obese!
It is a well known fact that when Europeans or Asians visit the ol' US of A they are quite alarmed with the portion size and with good reason. Something has happened since the 1950s when fast food hit the scene and when a Big Mac patty was a mere 3oz! Much like how Walmart dictactes prices to its suppliers and changes the way they make products McDonald's, Burger King, etc. have revolutionized the way we raise and grow our food in this country much to the detriment of their avid customer.
Quality has been compromised on mutliple levels as unnatural genetically modified organisms (GMO) are introduced to our diet, the effects of which are just now being understood in mainstream science, and as chemicals, viruses, bacteria are finding their way into our meals with increasing regularity. It doesn't stop there either, the packaging our food often finds itself is laden many times with Bisphenol-A (BPA) which is linked to hormonal imbalances, cancer, and in men actually aids in repelling women. What we mentioned here doesn't even address obesity!
Sometime between "eat your vegetables" and "...I'm lovin' it" Americans for the most part have stopped caring what they put in their bodies. Just look at some of the startling statistics below! From the way obesity disproportionally affects women to increases in the amount of fuel our airlines have to purchase in order to haul the mother load across the country our diets are evidently as out of control as our politics.
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In the chart below you'll notice a frightening and endemic issue of which I though had already been covered in the media ad nauseam, I mean Oprah made a career out of it right? However, if this graphic has anything to say, the American public evidently have not had their fill of cautionary tales. I mean God man, even our animals are becoming alarmingly obese!
It is a well known fact that when Europeans or Asians visit the ol' US of A they are quite alarmed with the portion size and with good reason. Something has happened since the 1950s when fast food hit the scene and when a Big Mac patty was a mere 3oz! Much like how Walmart dictactes prices to its suppliers and changes the way they make products McDonald's, Burger King, etc. have revolutionized the way we raise and grow our food in this country much to the detriment of their avid customer.
Quality has been compromised on mutliple levels as unnatural genetically modified organisms (GMO) are introduced to our diet, the effects of which are just now being understood in mainstream science, and as chemicals, viruses, bacteria are finding their way into our meals with increasing regularity. It doesn't stop there either, the packaging our food often finds itself is laden many times with Bisphenol-A (BPA) which is linked to hormonal imbalances, cancer, and in men actually aids in repelling women. What we mentioned here doesn't even address obesity!
Sometime between "eat your vegetables" and "...I'm lovin' it" Americans for the most part have stopped caring what they put in their bodies. Just look at some of the startling statistics below! From the way obesity disproportionally affects women to increases in the amount of fuel our airlines have to purchase in order to haul the mother load across the country our diets are evidently as out of control as our politics.
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