Topher Morrison
The boisterous real estate mogul, star of The Apprentice and potential independent presidential candidate admits yesterday on the Michael Savage program what no presidential candidate thus far has had the audacity to proffer. The Obama administration, through NATO, backed our "enemies" in Libya.
As early as March of 2011 stories began to pour out of Libya that insurgents fighting U.S. forces in Iraq, a majority of which were Libyan nationals, had been returning home to fight another enemy, dictator Mohammar Gaddafi under the aegis of NATO and ultimately president Barack Obama. I mirrored the reports from historian Webster Griffen Tarpley here and ex CIA agent Michael Scheuer here.
By August there were more reports that an Al-Qaeda junta had been established as interim government. Since that time it has been widely reported and officially admitted that NATO for months had been providing air support and intelligence to the Lybian Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) a terrorist organization according to the U.S. State Department. This group has since been renamed Al'Qaeda in Libya and has been lead almost exclusively by Abdul Hakim Belhaj a cohort of the late Osama Bin Laden and de facto commander of Tripoli.
Having completed his mission thus far in Libya with the successful assassination of Ghaddafi and with the power brokers attempting to establish a government Belhaj and Co. are setting their sights on Syria, but Belhaj may again have some help there too as he is not the only element ready to aid the Free Syrian Army (FSA).
Meanwhile... stateside former government officials, experts, and think tanks have written an open letter to President Barack Obama called "Open Letter to 44" posted on the self styled hedonistic hegemon blog, Great Satan's Girlfriend. The letter from neo-conservative luminaries such as Jamie Fly of the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) and William Kristol of the Weekly Standard and a Fox News contributor calls for Obama to establish links and support the Syrian National Council who runs the paramilitary group, FSA.
Concurrently there are similar hawks like Tom Ridge, former head of Homeland Security and democrat Gen. Wesley Clark attempting to de-list anther Iraqi based Iranian terrorist group MEK from the same U.S. State Department list for operations in Iran. At this point it's no longer confusing why Obama stopped referring to the War on Terror, evidently he may need these sordid forces.
Donald Trump on the Michael Savage Program
Since the beginning of the campaign season numerous interviews have been taken of prospective presidential candidates and as of yet none have criticized president Barack Obama for this blatant abuse of power and ignorance to facts on the ground in Libya. The following is a transcript from Michael Savage's interview with Donald Trump, full interview and audio found here. While he doesn't state explicitly that the administration backed Al'Qaeda, it's obvious who he was referring to:
TRUMP: "When we had Libya and Ghaddafi was absolutely routing about 7 or 8 months, see people forget, but he was routing the so called, you know the wonderful rebels as they call themselves..."
SAVAGE: "yes..."
TRUMP: " Gone With the Wind even though they come from Iran and also they were our enemies, but now you know... now they're our great friends, but they're not our friends.
SAVAGE: [laughs]
TRUMP: "So, they came to us 7 months ago and they said 'we're being routed, we can't hold out more than another two days, will you help us?' Obama said 'yes, here, through NATO', but [the U.S. is] NATO. So Obama said yes. Now, if he would of said 'yes, I will help you but we want 50% of your oil', they would have have said 'absolutely, a 100% you have a deal, sign right here on the dotted line.' You would've had it signed in ten minutes, it would have been over and would have gone home."
SAVAGE: "Unbelievable..."
TRUMP: "And we would have picked up 2 trillion worth of value, we didn't do that...we're stupid, we're stupid. And now by the way if you went to 'em and said...and you know now they're all splitting up the oil, all the rebels having a lot of fun, you could probably have 20 ghaddafis eh by the way the worst one will emerge as the leader and the one who will hurt our country the worst or the most."
SAVAGE: Always, its always true the most viscious win.
TRUMP: Those are two examples Iraq keep the oil we didn't do it, its gone. The other is Lybia...
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