Topher Morrison
This is AMTV News,
I’m your host Topher Morrison.
Today is Thursday July 12th 2012. Our final production video can be found at the bottom of the page. The
links to the various articles can be found immediately below.
If it bleeds it leads…
Washington Unleashes
MEK on Iran
Mujahadeen el-Kahlq, state department terrorist group #27,
is the beneficiary of millions of dollars worth of lobbyists, public relation
agents, ex office holders and training in the deserts of Nevada. Forget their atrocities against the
Iranian people, soldiers, politicians and scientists – the real enemy is
Amadinenijad and those crazy mullahs.
After all one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter – right?
NSA Counterpunch
According to NSA Geek-in-Chief, Gen. Keith Alexander you can
blame hackers for “the greatest transfer of wealth in history.” He’s not joking and has obviously not
been reading FOMC minutes, history of dollar devaluation or headlines. The NSA would like nothing more than
have invasive legislation like CISPA pass, until then meet your new boogey man
– hackers.
Shh, Don’t tell
Chicken Little…
Tree Rings Prove
Global Cooling
Looks like no ocean front property in Arizona and you can
blame it all on that pesky light bulb in the sky. According to scientists rings in fossilized pine trees show
we’ve been cooling for 2000 years due to increased distances between Earth and
Sun and solar phases. Looks like
the IPCC underestimated things.
Yes, CO2 warms our planet, but there are evidently other – larger –
factors to consider in climate change.
Sit down for this
Meet a New Reporter:
Al Gorithm
Two parts engineering one part journalism and vuala – robo
journalist coming to a daily near you!
No coffee breaks, no compensation and no fuss. Algorithms will crunch all that raw data and spit out your
story. The company responsible –
Narritive Science – sound a bit Orwellian? Don’t worry it looks like they only cover sports and
financials – for now.
No More Pat Downs?
They won’t have to.
The gentle souls over at the Department of Homeland security want frisk and
radiate you with yet another device and log every chemical in your body. The “Picosecond Programmable Laser”
will read people at the molecular level everything from semtex to THC. That’s right it can penetrate
everything and everyone from 50 meters. God Bless America.
CA Cities Dropping
Like Flies
San Bernardino’s bankruptcy falls on the heels of Stockton
and Mammoth Lakes. First it was your
homes and now your cities, some California cities may “cease to exist.” The
city is facing an immediate cash flow issue one it apparently didn’t care to
face after spending millions of tax dollars on transit projects and other none
essential services.
Drum roll please…
Depopulation Nation
Bill and Melinda Gates are purveying their latest agenda in
the name of women’s rights. They
argue it’s more cost effective and easier to reduce the birthing poor – just
take this pill – than it is elevating people from poverty through increasing
education, reducing corruption and freeing man and market. It’s fundamentally a clash of
philosophies – of prosperity versus central planning.
Catch my latest choice headlines on AMTV News Monday – Friday at AMTV
Media and catch our in depth commentary and analysis of stories like these at part of the AMTV network.
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