Monday, May 14, 2012

Paul is Out, Liberty Coalition is In

Topher Morrison

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Paul has thrown in the towel, kind of.  He will not be competing in any of the states that have yet to vote, namely his home state of Texas and the other delegate mammoth, California.  Needless to say, Mitt Romney is the nominee, but this won’t be the last time we hear from Ron Paul.

From the Washington Times:
"Mr. Paul said he will continue to work to win delegates in states that have already voted and where the process of delegate-selection is playing out. He said that’s a way to make his voice heard at the Republican nominating convention in Tampa, Fla., in August."
For the coalition of conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists, paleo conservatives, gold bugs, etc. who fell in line behind Dr. Paul this has always been more about the elevation of ideas than it has been a reaction against Mitt Romney or a “cult of personality” as some would have it.  Ron Paul is an admirable man, but as far as personality goes there are other more exciting libertarians – as we shall see.

This last drive was about building a home for sound money, constitutional government and a responsible foreign policy within the GOP.  That goal has been achieved.  You may be a Reagan Republican or a New Deal Democrat, but there is a new club to choose.  As I have mentioned before, 2012 bears witness to the rise of the Ron Paul Republican.

After the convention Ron Paul will most likely focus on his Campaign for Liberty and spreading the message he has for decades.  The 74-year-old Representative of Texas will conclude his official political life and will no doubt offer his support and endorsement to a new generation of libertarians.

Watch for politicians in the Liberty Caucus, the libertarian wing of the Republican Party to swell in the coming years.  Its members will undoubtedly be the next place to look for another Ron Paul.  Others to keep an eye on are:

Wayne Allen Root, vice presidential
candidate for the Libertarian Party
 and media personality

Sen. Rand Paul (R-TN)
Son of Ron Paul

Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI)
Endorsed Ron Paul for President (2012)
and one of the youngest federal office holders.

There is a growing awareness of what libertarianism, just check out the Top 100 Libertarian Blogs, the message is expanding.  The most amazing thing about the liberty perspective, however, is the lack of recidivism to the old left/right paradigm.  Unlike all of the ex-conservative and ex-liberal stories out there – once a libertarian always a libertarian.

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