Wednesday, July 11, 2012

AMTV News: Russia Deploys Warships to Syria

Topher Morrison

This is AMTV News, I’m your host Topher Morrison.  Today is Wednesday July 11th 2012.

If it bleeds it leads…
Russian Warships to Maneuver Near Syria

Bashar al-Assad looks like he has a new pitbull.  Protecting its last ally in the Middle East, but most importantly its access to the Mediterranean Russia is sending a flotilla of 11 Russian warships, capable of c arrying hundreds of marines to dock in the ancient port of Tartus.  It is a clear message to the region and the US backing rebel forces in Syria.  Washington is predictably mum, but with poker faces aplenty is it call or check?

Obama EO Grants Authority to Seize Private Communication Facilities

Obama has done what the people’s congress could not last year because of public protest.  His order grants new powers to the Department of Homeland Security, most importantly, the power to seize private facilities when necessary, effectively shutting down or limiting civilian communications.  Reasoning Washington needs “at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions.” Seems like a one-way street.

Here’s something interesting…
Like 3D?  Imagine 6!

In the latest from the people who found God in a subatomic particle, the Higgs Boson, comes a new experiment called ATLAS.  The megaminds at CERN using their Large Hydron Collider believe they can view three more dimensions beyond what humans can perceive.  Major surpises are yet on the horizon and possibly even more questions.

Lone Star State Top Pick for Business

On the heels of news that every state with a Republican governor saw reductions in unemployment, Texas is lauded as the best state in America to do business in.  Receiving high marks in CNBC’s grading rubric for infrastructure, tech and innovation, the third lowest cost of living, access to capital all while recovering from a severe economic slump last year.  Get er done!

This is getting ridiculous…
Pentagon Considers Awarding Medals to Drone Pilots

The military’s gamers, sorry… drone pilots might wear flight suits to work, but they don’t need them.  Spying on weddings, sorry… children…err enemy combatants thousands of miles away from harm sipping on Monster is hardly valorous so why is the Pentagon glorifying ridding a joystick?  Want to award our fearless flyers?  How about a new Nintendo Wii and call it a day?

This is going to get weird…
The Islamist Pyramid Scheme

That’s right the Arab Spring may have just been a plan to install a pyramid scheme that is to say – destroy the Great Pyramids of Giza.  Recent islamist electoral victories throughout the region have spurred the less than reasonable to accomplish what Amr bin al-As, Egypt’s Muslim conqueror, could not in 640 AD.  This week alone 16 ancient mausoleums were ransacked in Mali, viral video showed the Taliban stoning women again and who doesn’t remember the 1,500-year-old Buddah they razed in 2001?  Time to guard the wonders of the world.

Catch my latest choice headlines on AMTV News Monday – Friday at AMTV Media and catch our in depth commentary and analysis of stories like these at part of the AMTV network.

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